Win a $10,000 donation or $1,000 in custom gear! Start a fundraiser to enter!

Launch your fundraiser this February and be entered to win a $10,000 donation to your program’s fundraiser! Plus, if you launch by March 31, 2024, you will also have a chance to win $1,000 worth of custom gear from your program’s Snap! Store. Six total winners will be selected to win gear!


Here’s how it works:

  1. You need funds!
    Fill out this form to let us know you want to run a Snap! Raise fundraiser this spring. Your dedicated Snap! Rep will reach out shortly to introduce themselves and confirm your fundraiser details.

  2. Meet with your dedicated Snap! Rep.
    Your dedicated Snap! Rep will help you set up a custom fundraiser page for your group in minutes.

  3. Start your fundraiser by 3/31/24.
    Start your fundraiser by the end of March to be entered to win custom gear. Plus, if you start by 2/29/24, you’ll also get a chance to receive a $10,000 donation!

    Custom Gear Giveaway Rules:
  • Must launch a Snap! Raise campaign between February 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024 
  • Must have Snap! Store enabled for your program
  • Must be 18 or older to qualify
  • Must be associated with a school, non-profit organization, or for-profit athletics or activities business 
  • Any customer who is running their first Snap! Raise campaign must fill out this form to qualify. Returning customers will be automatically entered as their campaigns launch.
$10,000 Donation Giveaway Rules:
  • Must launch a Snap! Raise campaign between February 1, 2024 and February 29, 2024 
  • One entry per fundraiser
  • Any program that is running their first Snap! Raise campaign must fill out this form to qualify. Returning programs will be automatically entered as their campaigns launch.
  • Except where prohibited by law, entry constitutes permission to use each entrant’s name, hometown (city and state), likeness, photograph and any statements regarding this giveaway in all media now known or hereafter discovered, for any purpose, including without limitation, in connection with, and to promote, market or advertise, the giveaway, in whole or in part, without review, approval, credit or attribution, notification or payment from or to entrant or any person or entity, worldwide, in perpetuity, or on a winner’s list, if applicable.

Get going on your new fundraiser here!

$10,000 Donation Giveaway Details

One winner will be selected from campaigns that launch between February 1st and February 29th. The winner will receive a $10,000 donation to their program’s Snap! Raise campaign. The winning program will be notified by their Snap! Raise rep and the donation will be made to their fundraiser at the conclusion of their campaign

Custom Gear Giveaway Details

Giveaway #1: February

Three winners will be selected from campaigns that launch between February 1st and February 29th. Each winner will receive a $1,000 credit to their program’s Snap! Store. The winners will be selected on March 1st.

Giveaway #2: March

Three winners will be selected from campaigns that launch between March 1st and March 31st. Each winner will receive a $1,000 credit to their program’s Snap! Store. The winners will be selected on April 1st.

Winners will be notified by their Snap! Raise rep. The $1,000 credit will be delivered via points, which can be viewed in the Store Dashboard.

Score big for your program!

Customer Testimonial

See how Coach Utupo from Lakewood High School used Snap! Raise to save time and earn more funds for his football team.

Raise more with less effort

Snap! Raise has helped more than 125,000 schools, groups, and teams raise over $800 million. Our online fundraising platform keeps it simple and safe. Participants can skip the door-to-door fundraising and reach out to their supporters online. We keep your data secure through PCI DSS and federal regulation compliance.

Our campaigns raise more because of our tried-and-true process, developed over 10 years of fundraising for athletics and activities. With Snap! Raise, you’re no longer restricted to your neighborhood. The average donor lives 276 miles away! Plus, each fundraiser gets a dedicated, customizable webpage and personalized email and messaging tools to engage donors.

When your fundraiser ends, you can easily pull financial reports. See everyone who donated to your campaign and access all your financial data, like donations and expenditures, anytime you like. Learn more about Snap! Raise and Snap! Mobile’s powerful range of industry-leading solutions for group leaders, coaches, and athletic directors here.

What is Snap! Store?

Snap! Store is your online home for custom spirit wear and fan gear. Your program’s store is open 24/7, 365 days a year – so your fans can show their support year-round. Shop a variety of premium merch including Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour gear, all customized with your program’s logo. We set you up with a FREE Snap! Store for your program as part of your first Snap! Raise campaign, and you’ll earn points for every order placed which you can use to purchase spirit wear for yourself, your participants, or your supporters.

The best part? Our team manages the store for you! We take the orders, manage your inventory, take payments, and ship directly to your customers, so you can spend less time sorting t-shirts and more time doing what you love.